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《中英對照讀新聞》New York street noise may be deafening 紐約街頭噪音可能震耳欲聾

2010/10/31 06:00


The crowds and chaos of Manhattan often give visitors a thrill. It turns out they may also be putting New Yorkers at risk of hearing loss.


In many parts of Manhattan, just walking the streets during the day exposes people to decibel levels that, over time, can damage people’s ears, according to a study released as part of the International Conference on Urban Health at The New York Academy of Medicine.


New Yorkers may not realize they’re impacted by the noise surrounding them, said Robyn Gershon, a professor at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health and one of the study’s authors. "That’s the problem with noise. It sneaks up on you."


The study’s researchers stood at spots around the city wearing monitors that measured noise levels right by their ears. The 60 sites in Manhattan were selected using data on noise complaints called into a city hot line. Measurements were taken from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays.


Most readings – even in several small parks meant to be oases of green and calm – were above 70 decibels. Some of Manhattan’s noisiest spots were along the city’s truck routes:along First Avenue above 14th Street and along Broadway in Inwood. Times Square and East Midtown were also among the most cacophonous corners.



thrill:名詞,指興奮、激動或恐怖,如It gave me a real thrill to see her again after so many years.(多年後再見到她讓我非常激動。)

sneak up on someone/something:突然、悄悄地接近某人或某事,如I sneaked up on the cake, hoping no one would see me.(我偷偷走近蛋糕,希望沒人會看見我。)

cacophonous:形容詞,指聲音不和諧的,名詞為cacophony,指雜音、不和諧的聲音,如I heard a cacophony of horns during the traffic jam.(在車陣中我只聽到吵雜的喇叭聲。)

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