中英對照讀新聞》It’s Christmas for the elephants as unsold trees are fed to the animals at Berlin Zoo 這是大象的耶誕節,柏林動物園將賣不完的樹拿來餵動物

◎ 周虹汶
For the elephants and others at the Berlin Zoo, it’s finally time to unwrap their Christmas presents.
Trees that didn’t find a home this festive season were given to some of the animals on Friday in what has become an annual event. Elephants tore off branches with their trunks, lobbing them around their enclosure or eating the greenery.
The zoo takes only fresh, unsold trees from select vendors. It doesn’t accept trees from the public, which could contain chemicals or leftover decorations.
“They don’t just serve as food, they are also used to keep the animals occupied,” said Florian Sicks, the zoo’s curator for mammals.
“The animals can fight with them, they can rub themselves against them, they can throw themselves over them and do various other things with these fir trees,” he added. “And so we enrich the animals’ everyday lives, which they are very happy about.”
select:動詞,指選擇、挑選;形容詞,指精選的、最優秀的。例句:These activities should be available to all members, not just a select few.(這些活動應該提供所有學生參加,而非特定少數。)
enrich:動詞,指使豐富、使富含、充實。例句:My life was greatly enriched by knowing him.(我的生命因認識他而大大充實。)