中英對照讀新聞》Stolen shoe mystery solved at Japanese kindergarten when security camera catches weasel in the act日本幼兒園鞋子遭竊之謎揭曉,安全攝影機當場抓到黃鼠狼

Police thought a shoe thief was on the loose at a kindergarten in southwestern Japan, until a security camera caught the furry culprit in action.
A weasel with a tiny shoe in its mouth was spotted on the video footage after police installed three cameras in the school in the prefecture of Fukuoka.
Teachers and parents had feared it could be a disturbed person with a shoe fetish.
Weasels are known to stash items and people who keep weasels as pets give them toys so they can hide them.
The weasel scattered shoes around and took 15 of them before police were called. Six more were taken the following day. The weasel returned Nov. 11 to steal one more shoe. The camera footage of that theft was seen the next day.
culprit:名詞,指被控犯罪的人、罪犯、肇事者、過失者、問題的起因、罪魁禍首。例句:Children in our country are getting much too fat, and sugar and sweets are the main culprits.(我國兒童過肥,糖和甜食是罪魁禍首)。
stash:動詞,指存放、藏匿大量物品;名詞,指藏匿處、藏匿物。例句:He found a stash of heroin in the car.(他發現了藏在車裡的一批海洛因)