中英對照讀新聞》Hug it out, but make it quick. New Zealand airport sets time limit on goodbyes擁抱要快一點 紐西蘭機場為道別時間設限

Emotional farewells are a common sight at airports, but travelers leaving the New Zealand city of Dunedin will have to be quick. A new three-minute time limit on goodbye hugs in the airport’s drop-off area is intended to prevent lingering cuddles from causing traffic jams.
"Max hug time three minutes," warn signs outside the terminal, adding that those seeking "fonder farewells" should head to the airport’s parking lot instead.
"We were accused of breaching basic human rights and how dare we limit how long someone can have a hug for," said CEO Dan De Bono.
A 20-second hug is long enough to release the wellbeing-boosting hormones oxytocin and serotonin, De Bono also said. Anything longer was "really awkward."(AP)
lingering:形容詞,拖延的。例句:Ursula gave her boyfriend a lingering kiss before departing.(烏蘇拉在離開前給了男友一個纏綿的吻。)
fond:形容詞,深情的。例句:Ursula and her boyfriend gave each other fond farewells.(烏蘇拉和她的男友深情地道別。)