中英對照讀新聞》Mt. Fuji views blocked at store, but what about other shops? 這家店的富士山景被擋住了,但其他店呢?

◎ 張沛元
A large black plastic sheet was installed in front of a Lawson convenience store here to block views of Mount Fuji and prevent ill-mannered tourists from congregating and annoying locals around the site.
However, the town of Fuji-Kawagichiko may end up in need of another black sheet.
An increasing number of tourists have already been seen heading to a different Lawson store only about 1 kilometer west that offers a similar view of Japan’s tallest peak.
Some residents there are bracing for a repeat of the bad behavior from visitors.
prevent from:片語,阻止,制止。例句:Her illness prevents her from traveling alone.(她因生病無法獨自出遊。)
brace (for/against):動詞,做好準備。例句:Several suspects arrested in violent protests that erupted after the fatal stabbing of three children in northwest England have appeared in court as officials brace for more clashes over the weekend.(在英格蘭西北部3名孩童遭刺殺身亡後引爆的暴力抗議中被捕的數名嫌犯已出庭,官員們則為週末時恐有更多衝突做好準備。)