中英對照讀新聞》Turkey imposes 40% tariff on vehicle imports from China 土耳其對中國進口汽車將徵收40%關稅

Turkey will impose a 40% additional tariff on imports of vehicles from China to halt a possible deterioration of its current account balance and protect domestic automakers, the trade ministry said.
China is facing increasing trade pressures worldwide over its growing exports of electric vehicles, which many countries claim are being heavily subsidized by Beijing to support its sputtering economy.
The additional tariff will be set at a minimum of $7,000 per vehicle, with effect from July 7.
"An additional tariff will be imposed on import of conventional and hybrid passenger vehicles from China in order to increase and protect the decreasing share of domestic production," trade ministry said.
In 2023, Turkey imposed additional tariffs on electric vehicle imports from China and brought some regulations regarding EV maintenance and services.
deterioration:退化、惡化。例句:Excessive intake of refined sugar leads to early deterioration of brain cells.(過量攝取精緻糖會導致腦細胞提早退化。)
subsidize:補助、補貼。例句:The government continues to subsidize the production of solar panels.(政府持續補貼太陽能板的生產。)