中英對照讀新聞》Vikings had windows, another shift away from their image as barbaric Norsemen, Danish museum says丹麥博物館稱,維京人有窗戶,這是他們擺脫野蠻諾曼人形象的另一個轉變

Vikings had windows, meaning Norsemen dignitaries sat in rooms lit up by apertures with glass, Danish researchers said Thursday. The glass panes can be dated from long before the churches and castles of the Middle Ages, they said.
“This is yet another shift away from the image of unsophisticated barbaric Vikings swinging their swords around,” said Mads Dengsø Jessen, a senior researcher with the National Museum in Copenhagen.
Over the past 25 years, archeologists have found glass fragments in six excavations in southern Sweden, Denmark and northern Germany.
In Copenhagen, 61 fragments of glass panes have been analyzed and researchers concluded that the pieces of glass can be dated from long before the churches and castles of the Middle Ages and that Vikings had windows with glass panes between 800 and 1100. The Viking Age is considered to be from 793 to 1066.
barbaric:形容詞,野蠻的、粗俗的、殘忍的。例句:He found the idea of killing animals for pleasure barbaric.(他認為,為了取樂而獵殺動物的想法非常殘忍。)
dignitary:名詞,顯貴、要人;形容詞,地位尊榮的;顯貴的。例句:Several foreign dignitaries attended the ceremony.(幾位外國要人出席該項儀式。)