Toy museum in Kobe reopens as hotel to keep guests occupied神戶玩具博物館作為酒店重新開放,讓客人樂不思蜀

Catering to those who can’t get enough of playing with toys, the Arima Toys and Automata Museum turned its third floor into hotel rooms so visitors can indulge in their hobby for as long as they want.
The toy museum in Kobe’s Kita Ward now operates as Hotel Algo as well. It is particularly popular among families and young couples who are die-hard fans of board games.
Located in the center of the famed Arima Onsen hot spring resort, the museum opened in 2003 with a collection of around 4,000 toys, including mechanical dolls and tin toys, from across Japan and Europe.
cater to someone:片語,滿足或提供(個人或團體的)願望或需求。例句:Most of convenience stores across the United States now cater to modern preferences like meal kits, salads, keto snacks, Kombucha and espressos, instead of just the traditional cokes, smokes and gas.(美國各地大多數便利商店如今都迎合現代人喜好,販售懶人下廚包、沙拉、生酮零食、康普茶與濃縮咖啡,而非只有傳統的可樂、香菸與加油等服務。)
can’t get enough of something:慣用語,欲罷不能,愛不釋手,百X不厭。例句:Some parents are hiring tutors to help their kids win in the online game the kids can’t get enough of.(有些家長會聘請教練來幫他們的孩子在其愛不釋手的網路遊戲中獲勝。)