中英對照讀新聞》New Hokkaido ballpark offers a hot bath while seeing the game 北海道的新棒球場可邊看球邊泡湯

Although the once-mighty Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters have fallen on hard times in recent years, their new ballpark promises to make a splash with their devoted legions of fans.
Spectators can watch a baseball game while soaking in a hot spring bath.
The first stadium in the world to also offer a natural hot spring bath and sauna was shown to the media on March 6 ahead of the opening day of the 2023 season.
Es Con Field Hokkaido is the new home of the Fighters and offers much more than just the typical ballpark experience.
「北海道Es Con Field」是(日本職棒)鬥士隊的新主場,提供遠遠超越典型棒球場的體驗。
fall on hard times:慣用語,經濟拮据,生活困難。例句:She fell on hard times after she divorced her husband.(她在跟老公離婚後過得很辛苦。)
make a splash:慣用語,一飛衝天,一炮而紅,一舉成名。例句:The young film director made a splash with her first movie.(這名年輕的女導演初次執導便一炮而紅。)
soak in:片語,滲入,理解,吸收。