中英對照讀新聞》University warns students not to get COVID-19 to sell plasma 大學警告學生不得為了賣血漿而感染武漢肺炎

Officials at Brigham Young University-Idaho are warning students against intentionally contracting Covid-19 in order to sell plasma that contains antibodies, despite no evidence such schemes are actually underway.
The university said Monday it was "deeply troubled by accounts of individuals who have intentionally exposed themselves" to the disease in order to make some money.
"Students who are determined to have intentionally exposed themselves or others to the virus will be immediately suspended from the university and may be permanently dismissed," the school’s statement said.
The university said it is looking for students who might have been involved, though the statement did not indicate whether any did come down with the disease.
scheme:名詞,詭計、陰謀。例句: You have muddled the crazy scheme.(你把這個瘋狂的詭計搞得一塌糊塗。)
underway:形容詞,正在進行的。例句:Preparations for early voting are underway.(為了提前投票所做的準備正在進行中。)
dismiss:動詞,解僱、辭退、開除。例句:He was dismissed from his job for being late everyday.(他因為每天遲到,被公司開除了。)