《中英對照讀新聞》Bear necessities? Furry visitor on the prowl in California store 熊的必需品?毛茸茸的訪客在加州商店裡四處覓食
At a North California supermarket last week, one visitor likely had only one thing in mind - the bear necessities.
Shoppers at the Kings Beach Safeway by Lake Tahoe found an otherwise routine trip to the store on Aug. 25 disrupted by an inquisitive bear in the produce aisle, video footage posted online showed.
“We were just calmly arriving at the store. I didn’t even imagine what we were going to find,” said shopper Rubi Nevarez, who provided video to Reuters. “As far as I know, this is the second time this has happened.”
Local media reported a bear visited the same store on Aug. 18 - and exited with a bag of tortilla chips.
It wasn’t clear what the bear spotted by Nevarez was looking for but the bold animal left without a fuss in the end.
“The bear went out by itself after seeing all the commotion he caused,” said Nevarez. (Reuters)
prowl:動詞,指野獸等四處覓食、暗中來回尋覓、徘徊、潛行;名詞,指四處覓食、徘徊、搜尋。例句:She has an interest in prowling around a flea market.(她對逛跳蚤市場很有興趣。)
fuss:名詞,指緊張不安、大驚小怪;動詞,指為小事過於煩惱、過度焦慮、過於關注細節。例句:She’s always fussing with her hair.(她一直在意她的頭髮。)
commotion:名詞,指喧鬧、混亂、騷動。例句:He’s making a great commotion about nothing.(他在無理取鬧。)