中英對照讀新聞》No screaming, please:Japan amusement parks issue new Covid-19 guidelines請勿尖叫:日本遊樂園發佈武漢肺炎防疫新規

Thrill seekers in Japan will soon get to enjoy their favorite roller coasters again now that amusement parks around the country are reopening.
But there’s one request they might struggle with:No screaming.
With Japan lifting the state of emergency this week, a group of major theme park operators has introduced a set of guidelines on how to ensure the safety of both guests and staff in the face of Covid-19.
Some items will likely take visitors by surprise. Namely, a suggestion that theme parks encourage visitors riding outdoor attractions, including roller coasters, to avoid shouting or cheering - a tough ask, given how wild some of the country’s rides are.
The guidelines also say that if it’s difficult for some employees to wear masks due to the nature of their work - for example entertainers, such as haunted house staff - they should keep at least one meter away from visitors.
thrill:名詞,激動;引起激動的事物。例句:The news sent a thrill of joy to my heart.(這消息使我感到一陣喜悅。)
now that:片語,既然; 因為;而今。例句:Now that you have come, you may as well stay for a few days. (既然來了,你就不妨住幾天。)
take by surprise:片語,使吃驚。例句:The question took him by surprise. (他沒想到人家會問這個問題。)