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    《中英對照讀新聞》Dead Baby Sea Turtle Found with 104 Pieces of Plastic in Its Belly 死掉的海龜寶寶肚子裡發現104塊塑膠片



    2019/10/07 05:30


    A photo of a baby loggerhead sea turtle that died after eating 104 pieces of plastic went viral on Facebook this week. The photo was posted by the Gumbo Limbo Nature Center in Boca Raton, Florida, on Tuesday (Oct. 1)and shows the lifeless turtle, no bigger than the palm of your hand, next to the dozens of small pieces of plastic found in the animal’s digestive tract, neatly organized in rows.


    "It’s washback season at Gumbo Limbo and weak, tiny turtles are washing up along the coastline needing our help," Gumbo Limbo Nature Center staff wrote in the Facebook post. "Unfortunately, not every washback survives. 100% of our washbacks that didn’t make it had plastic in their intestinal tracts." The plastic clogs up the animal’s digestive tract, they wrote.


    "Many of these young turtles are dying from plastic impaction. The plastic plugs them up and causes them to go into septic shock," center staff wrote in response to a comment on the Facebook post. "Plastic pollution is the sad world we live in now. We need to do better."



    sea turtle:名詞,海龜。例句:Florida beaches serve as nesting grounds for five species of sea turtle:the loggerhead, green, leatherback, Kemp’s ridley and hawksbill.(佛羅里達州海灘是五種海龜:赤蠵龜、綠蠵龜、革龜、肯氏龜、玳瑁的築巢地。)

    plastic:名詞,塑膠。例句:Defenseless baby turtles aren’t made to eat plastic.(無防禦的海龜寶寶不是生來吃塑膠的。)

    go viral:慣用語,迅速竄紅。例句:The video went viral and was seen by millions. (這部爆紅影片已有數百萬人觀看過。)

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