《中英對照讀新聞》UK prison guards smell a rat and find rodents stuffed with drugs-英國獄警察覺可疑 起獲塞滿毒品的老鼠

Suspected organized criminals have been stuffing the bodies of dead rats with drugs, phones and cash and throwing them over the walls of a British prison to get contraband to inmates, the government said on Monday.
Guards at Guys Marsh prison in Dorset, southwest England, grew suspicious when they found the bodies of three rats with long stitches along their stomachs, officials said.
They discovered the animals had been disemboweled and filled with five mobile phones and chargers, three SIM cards, cigarette papers and a large amount of drugs including cannabis and a synthetic substitute as well as tobacco, they added.
"This find shows the extraordinary lengths to which criminals will go to smuggle drugs into prison, and underlines why our work to improve security is so important," Britain’s Minister of State for the Ministry of Justice, Rory Stewart, said. (Reuters)
smell a rat:指覺得可疑、懷疑有詐、事有蹊蹺。例句:I smelt a rat when I found some items missing from my desk.(當一些東西從書桌上消失後,我就覺得事有蹊蹺。)
stitch:名詞,指縫紉或編織的一針、縫法、衣服、傷口縫線;動詞,指縫補、縫合裂口。例句:This a book that will have you in stitches.(這是一本會讓你笑破肚皮的書。)
length:名詞,指長度、(複數指)程度;go to great lengths,片語,指不遺餘力、無所顧忌。例句:He went to absurd lengths to keep the affair secret.(他為了讓這件事保密,已到無所不用其極的程度。)