中英對照讀新聞》Facing labor shortfall, Japan firms turn to refugees 本國勞力短缺,日本企業改聘難民

At an office in Tokyo, a group of refugees clutching resumes listened to three Japanese companies describe their openings - rare opportunities in the country’s often impenetrable job market.
Japan accepts only a handful of refugees each year and they face hurdles to employment, including language requirements, cultural barriers and discrimination. But a handful of companies, driven partly by labor shortages, are now hiring refugees.
Among them is Dairyu, a Styrofoam manufacturer whose CEO Kenichi Osaka was hoping to find two new employees at a job fair held by the Japan Association for Refugees, an NGO.
"We want to hire refugees because there are not enough workers in Japan. And Japanese are so strict with rules... we are looking for ideas that are unexpected and not predictable," said Osaka.
The company was offering a starting salary of 813 yen an hour, around the government’s recommended minimum wage, along with accommodation and three weeks of holiday.
clutch:動詞,抓住。例句:The kid clutched the toy in his hand.(小孩將玩具緊緊抓在手裡。)
openings:名詞,(職位)空缺。例句:Our company will have three openings this month.(我們公司本月將釋出3個空缺。)
impenetrable:形容詞,不能通過的;不接納的。例句:This fortress is an impenetrable barrier.(這座堡壘是個無法突破的障礙。)