《中英對照讀新聞》Boasts could expose culprits in decapitation of Australian dinosaur replicas-吹牛愛現能讓澳洲恐龍仿製品的斬首元凶現形
(圖擷取自ABC News)
Australian police on Tuesday said they expected the individuals who decapitated three dinosaur replicas at a museum to boast about their trophies to friends, so bringing about their own exposure.
The theft of the heads of three raptor models was discovered on Sunday in an outdoor display area at the National Dinosaur Museum in Canberra, police in the Australian capital territory said on their website.
Police said the miscreants, shown by preliminary investigation to have used a hacksaw or angle grinder, might be planning to keep the fibreglass heads as trophies.
"We’re expecting these perpetrators, because they’re obviously not very smart, will tell people about it," the Australian Broadcasting Corp quoted station sergeant Rod Anderson as saying.
It is not the first faux dinosaur theft at the museum, where an entire model was taken in 2013, but found later in a crime attributed to a birthday prank. (Reuters)
decapitate:動詞,指斬首;名詞,指殺頭、劊子手。例句:Dollar inflation has decapitated our bank reserves.(美元通貨膨脹導致我國銀行準備金嚴重縮水。)
trophy:名詞,指紀念品、戰利品、獎品、獎盃、獎牌、勝利紀念柱;形容詞,指顯示身分或地位的、提高身價的、有威望的。例句:Many rich men have trophy wives.(很多有錢人有漂亮太太當花瓶。)
miscreant:名詞,指惡棍、歹徒、異端者。形容詞:指邪惡的、異端的。例句:That would immediately exclude the miscreants from global payments systems and trading networks.(該舉措會立即把這些歹徒排除在全球支付和交易網路之外。)