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    《中英對照讀新聞》Syrian children in state of ’toxic stress’, Save the Children says 「拯救兒童」說,敘利亞兒童處於「毒性壓力」狀態中



    2017/04/12 06:00


    Millions of Syrian children could be living in a state of "toxic stress" due to prolonged exposure to the horrors of war, aid group Save the Children says. The damage to an entire generation of children could soon become irreversible without immediate help, it adds.


    The stress of war has led to increased bedwetting, self-harm, suicide attempts and aggressive behaviour among many children, according to a new report. The report, Invisible Wounds, reveals a "terrifying mental health crisis among children trapped in Syria". Save the Children spoke to more than 450 people in seven of Syria 14 governorates, including children of varying ages, parents, caregivers, social workers, aid workers and teachers.


    Almost all children and 84% of adults said that bombing and shelling was the number one cause of psychological stress for children. Two-thirds of children have either lost a loved one, had their house bombed or shelled, or been injured as a result of the war. 71% of interviewees said that children were increasingly suffering from frequent bedwetting and "involuntary urination" - symptoms of toxic stress and PTSD. At least three million children under the age of six have known nothing but war, the report says.



    irreversible:不可逆的、不可翻轉的。例句:He has made an irreversible decision.(他做了一個不可改變的決定。)

    a loved one:所愛的人,通常指家人、親人。例句:I want to share the joy with my loved ones.(我想要與家人分享這份喜悅。)

    nothing but:僅僅、只不過。She did nothing but grumble.(她只會發牢騷。)

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