《中英對照讀新聞》Japanese fisherman aged 63 fights off bear with karate 63歲日本釣客使出空手道擊退黑熊

日本一名男子以空手道擊退一隻野生黑熊。(圖擷自Mirror Online)
A Japanese man in his 60s fought off a wild bear using karate to save his life.
Martial arts expert Atsushi Aoki was fishing in a mountain creek when the massive 6ft 3ins Asian black bear attacked him. Using only his bare hands to fend off the beast, the 63-year-old told a Japanese broadcaster: "I thought it’s either ’I kill him or he kills me’."
However, Mr. Aoki didn’t escape unscathed and was left with injuries to his head, arm and leg. "The bear was so strong and it knocked me down. It turned me over and bit me right here," he said pointing to his bandaged leg.
But a few karate chops to the creature’s eyes sent the bear running into the woods, giving Mr. Aoki a chance to make a dash for his car.
"He drove himself to hospital and he even remembered to grab the fish that he had caught," a local police officer said.
fend off:動詞片語,抵禦;抵擋。例句:The snatcher tried to attack her, but she fended him off. (強盜試圖攻擊她,但被她擋了下來。)
unscathed:形容詞,未受傷的;未受損害的。例句:He emerged from the car crash unscathed. (他安然無恙地逃過這場車禍。)
make a dash for:動詞片語,朝…飛奔而去。例句:As long as the bus arrived, all the passengers made a dash for it. (公車一到站,所有乘客立即飛奔迎向前去。)