嚇人!英國伯明罕工業區大火 濃煙直竄雲霄
消防局表示,「數十英里內都有人因為看見大火與濃煙打電話報案」。指揮官沃恩斯(Sarah Warnes)說:「儘管又熱又艱苦,但消防員仍運用專業技能將火勢控制住,並未波及其他房屋。」
目擊者戴姆普娜(Dympna Wilson)表示,她當時聽見了好幾次爆炸聲,出來看只看見滿天的黑煙,很擔心火勢會波及其他房子,還說「有些鄰居家裡停電,希望沒有人受傷。」
@WestMidsFire @WMPolice @OFFICIALWMAS @WMASHART on scene at a large scale fire in #tyseleyindustrialestate #smallheath #tyseley #birmingham
— ☤ WMAS HART ☤ (@WMASHART) August 10, 2020
Please stay indoors and keep doors and windows closed in the local area pic.twitter.com/r8JT5oAuF4
Following this incident through the night last night one thing is certain; if it hadn’t been for the hard work, and assertive firefighting by @WestMidsFire crews the impact of this fire on other businesses/local community could have been far greater and longer lasting. ???????????????????????????????????? pic.twitter.com/xPicSMxRmC
— Rich Stanton WMFS (@RichStantonFRS) August 11, 2020