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    刺胳針期刊將台灣納入中國 刊登我抗議信全文

    《The Lancet》今天刊登我抗議信全文。(記者吳亮儀翻攝)

    《The Lancet》今天刊登我抗議信全文。(記者吳亮儀翻攝)

    2019/07/16 12:03

    〔記者吳亮儀/台北報導〕頂尖國際醫療期刊《The Lancet》(刺胳針)上月刊登中國發表的論文,將台灣列為中國的一省,引發我國醫界和衛福部抗議,副總統陳建仁也對此抨擊;經抗議後,《The Lancet》今天全文刊登這封抗議信。

    衛福部今天發布新聞,部長陳時中上月向期刊編輯部說明,並透過外交部駐英代表處遞交抗議信,這封抗議信今天在《The Lancet》全文刊登。

    《The Lancet》上月25日刊登一篇中國的公共衛生研究,將我國列為中國一省,這篇中國的論文內容為探討中國的非傳染性疾病,包括心臟病、肺癌、中風等,以各省的疾病負擔和風險因子納入系統性分析,但圖表中都把台灣納入中國一省。

    許多台灣網友在《The Lancet》臉書粉絲團留言抗議,要求更正,但《The Lancet》編輯部回應,這是根據聯合國(UN)和世界衛生組織(WHO)的方針,才將台灣列為中國一省,和其它的國際衛生分析沒有不同。

    陳建仁對此批評,除了政治上的錯誤外,台灣和中國為各自獨立的兩個不同國家,有各自獨立不同的行政、健保體系,在健保相關資料的完整性與正確性上,台灣與中國更是有許多差異,因此,這篇研究將不同方法所蒐集的健康資料放在同一個層級的模型來作研究,不但產生許多方法學上與研究結果的偏差,更已犯了學術研究的大忌,「我們認為頂尖的《The Lancet》期刊不應該犯這樣的錯誤才對」。

    對於《The Lancet》全文刊登我抗議信,衛福部長陳時中表達感謝,也向副總統和國內各界聲援致謝,也重申學術發表內容不該被單一國家的政治意圖牽制。

    《The Lancet》刊登我抗議信網址


    Taiwan’s health-care system and administration are independent of China

    As the Taiwan Minister of Health and Welfare, I am writing to make a formal protest against the erroneous designation of Taiwan as a province of China in the systematic analysis of mortality, morbidity, and risk factors in China and its provinces, 1990–2017 for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017.1

    Taiwan is a sovereign democratic country, not part of any other. This is an undisputed fact. Our president and parliament are democratically elected. Taiwan takes pride in its democracy. It is not part of China. The people of Taiwan have repeatedly reiterated their expectation for maintaining the status quo.

    Taiwan was listed as a province of China and included in the tables in the Article.1 However, Taiwan’s hygienic conditions, health –care standards, and public health systems are completely different to those of China. Taiwan and China also use distinctly different methods to collect statistical data from different sources. The investigators compared the data of Taiwan with China’s national mean by using biased and academically unethical methodologies. The results, therefore, are of no value to the field of public health and might be detrimental to the journal’s prestigiousness and credibility.

    On behalf of the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare and the people of Taiwan, I hereby formally protest and demand that The Lancet make a correction.

    I am the Minister of Health and Welfare, Republic of China (Taiwan).

    Shih-Chung Chen

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