Blowin’ in the Wind 隨風飄盪 美民權與反戰運動的國歌
〔編譯張沛元/綜合報導〕巴布狄倫創作的歌曲不計其數,其中又以60年代特別活躍,代表歌曲「隨風飄盪(Blowin’ in the Wind)」與「蛻變時節(The Times They Are a-Changin)」,更被譽為美國民權與反戰運動的國歌。
創作歌不計其數 用隱喻談越戰殘酷
「人要走過多少路,才能頂天立地?(How many roads must a man walk down before you call him a man?)
白鴿要飛越過多少大海,才會在沙灘上長眠?(Yes, ’n’ how many seas must a white dove sail before she sleeps in the sand?)
砲彈要被發射過多少次,才會被永久禁止?(Yes, ’n’ how many times must the cannonballs fly before they’re forever banned?)
這答案,吾友,正隨風飄盪(The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind)」
「參眾議員諸公(Come senators, congressmen)
請留心這呼聲(Please heed the call)
別站在門口(Don’t stand in the doorway)
別擋住大堂(Don’t block up the hall)
阻撓者將為此付出代價(For he that gets hurt will be he who has stalled)
外頭的戰役正如火如荼(There’s a battle outside and it is ragin’)」