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《TAIPEI TIMES》 Caregivers of young children to receive more visits

Children play on a playground in New Taipei City’s Sinjhuang District on April 7.
Photo: CNA

Children play on a playground in New Taipei City’s Sinjhuang District on April 7. Photo: CNA

2024/04/26 03:00

By Chen Cheng-yu and Jake Chung / Staff reporter, with staff writer and CNA

Caregivers of children aged three and younger are to receive visits at least six times a year under planned rules announced yesterday by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, which are to be implemented next month at the earliest.

Article 18 of the Registration and Management Regulations for Family Childcare Services Agencies (居家式托育服務提供者登記及管理辦法) says that authorities are obligated to visit caregivers at least four times per year, and the first visit should be within 30 days of taking on a child.

Social and Family Affairs Administration Deputy Director Chang Mei-mei (張美美) told reporters that the ministry is arranging a meeting of experts, local governments and civic groups to discuss how best to amend the act.

Daycare centers for children under the age of three, as well as adopted children, children in out-of-home placement arrangements and those with mental or physical developmental retardation, would see an increase in visits from four to six times annually, she said.

She said those offering care services from their home who are overworked or lack rest from taking in numerous wards over a long period or those who have acted inappropriately toward children within three months of the agency’s visit, resulting in injuries to the children, but have not necessarily broken the law, would also see increased visits from four to six a year.

Chang said all visits would be conducted without notification and occur at different times of the day, and officials would have to see the children during the visits.

She said those conducting the visits who notice situations of concern should make arrangements for a follow-up visit as soon as possible and remain in contact with the guardians and other social welfare personnel, such as social workers arranging for out-of-home placements.

She said the ministry would also step up training of inspectors.

Separately yesterday, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Legislator Lin Yueh-chin (林月琴) and others said that the Children Welfare League Foundation was rife with problems and called for an investigation into the organization.

The criticism comes after a one-year-old child in December last year was allegedly abused to death by a caregiver contracted by the foundation.

The legislators cited a 2009 Ministry of Education report approving the organization to be able to proceed with adoption measures after changing its internal regulations, adding that the ministry was not the authority for adoption matters.

The legislators also said that of the eight organizations approved for adoption services under the 2012 amendment to the Permit and Management Regulations for Children and Youth Adoption Service Providers (兒童及少年收出養媒合服務者許可及管理辦法), only the Children Welfare League Foundation was an education provider and they asked whether the amendment sought to benefit the organization.

The ministry’s management of the organization was too lax and should be tightened, DPP Legislator Kuo Yu-ching (郭昱晴) said, while DPP Legislator Wu Pei-yi (吳沛憶) said the organization should be placed under the health ministry’s purview.


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