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《TAIPEI TIMES》 Health agency launches booklet for expectant fathers

A guidebook for new fathers published by the Health Promotion Administration is displayed at a news conference in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Chiu Chih-jou, Taipei Times

A guidebook for new fathers published by the Health Promotion Administration is displayed at a news conference in Taipei yesterday. Photo: Chiu Chih-jou, Taipei Times

2022/08/05 03:00

By Chiu Chih-jou and Liu Tzu-hsuan / Staff reporter, with staff writer

The Health Promotion Administration yesterday launched the “Paternal Medical Instruction Booklet on Pregnancy and Parenting,” which offers guidelines to expectant fathers.

Mickey Huang (黃子佼), who recently became a father, hosted the news conference for the booklet’s launch.

“The booklet should have been made much earlier,” he said.

Although there are reminders for expectant fathers in the ministry’s “Maternal Medical Instruction Booklet” and “Maternal Health Booklet,” this is the first guideline dedicated to fathers.

The 63-page booklet is divided into nine themes, answering questions expectant fathers might have with simple explanations, tables and images.

The topics include methods to ease a partner’s discomfort during pregnancy, things that could be done when their partner is in labor, techniques of taking care of newborns and ways to cope with the pressures of parenting.

Information regarding paternity leave, parental leave allowances, childcare allowances and daycare subsidies are also included in the booklet.

People can scan the QR codes provided in the booklet for further information on certain topics.

Taiwan Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology chairperson Huang Jian-pei (黃建霈) said that a partner’s support is much needed during pregnancy, which can relieve the discomfort of pregnant women and in turn reduce the chance of premature birth.

The booklet also offers instructions on appropriate sex positions during pregnancy, as many people might be embarrassed to ask whether couples can maintain a happy sex life during pregnancy, he said.

It can be downloaded at health99.hpa.gov.tw/material/7426.


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