《中英對照讀新聞》Study Reveals Harm to Fish From Tiny Bit of Plastic Pollution 研究披露塑膠微粒污染有害魚類
Scientists have demonstrated for the first time the devastating physiological and behavioral effects on fish exposed to the tiny bits of plastic pollution clogging the world’s oceans.
Lab experiments with European perch larvae showed exposure to microplastic particles at levels present in seas inhibited hatching of fertilized eggs, stunted larval growth, reduced activity levels, and made them more susceptible to predators, increasing mortality rates.
"For me, the key finding and biggest surprise in this study was the fact that larvae preferentially ate microplastic particles and literally stuffed themselves with the microbeads," ignoring their natural food source of zooplankton, said marine biologist Oona Lönnstedt of Uppsala University in Sweden.
Microplastic particles, bits of plastic measuring no more than 5 mm, come from large plastic trash that has fragmented into smaller pieces or from manufactured plastics of microscopic size such as microbeads in products like facial soap, body wash and toothpaste.
"If microplastics are indeed affecting organisms, then this really calls for a ban on microplastic beads in body-care products and cosmetics around the world," Lönnstedt said.
inhibit:動詞,抑制、約束。例句:Her shy character has inhibited her from interacting with unfamiliar people.(她膽小的性格使她怯於與不熟的人互動。)
susceptible:形容詞,易受影響的、敏感的。例句:He is very susceptible to colds.(他非常容易感冒。)
fragment:動詞,破碎、碎裂。例句:The vase fell and fragmented into small pieces.(花瓶掉下,摔成碎片。)
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