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《中英對照讀新聞》No Joke: Animals Laugh, Too不是開玩笑:動物也會笑

2005/04/04 06:00

◎ 陳怡君

Life can be funny, and not just for humans.


Studies by various groups suggest monkeys, dogs and even rats love a good laugh. People, meanwhile, have been laughing since before they could talk.


“Indeed, neural circuits for laughter exist in very ancient regions of the brain, and ancestral forms of play and laughter existed in other animals eons before we humans came along with our 'ha-ha-has' and verbal repartee,” says Jaak Panksepp, a neuroscientist at Bowling Green State University.


When chimps play and chase each other, they pant in a manner that is strikingly like human laughter, Panksepp writes in an issue of the journal Science. Dogs have a similar response.



good:本字有多種意思,此處為形容詞,意指令人愉快的、令人高興的。例句:Did you have a good time at the party?(你在派對上玩得高興嗎?)

eon:即aeon,名詞,無法計算的漫長時期,永世。例句:He recalled his talk with her eons ago. (他回憶起許久之前和她的談話。)

repartee:名詞,敏捷的應答(能力)。例句:I enjoy listening to their repartee. (我喜歡聽他們的機敏應答。)

pant:可當動、名詞,意指喘氣;若作為動詞,還有渴望的意思。例句:She was panting for a chance to speak. (她渴望得到說話的機會。)

strikingly:副詞,驚人地、顯著地、引人注目地。例句:His youth was a saga with a happy ending -- a wedding to a strikingly beautiful woman. (他的青春時期是一個有快樂結局的歷程-和一位令人驚艷的美女結婚。)

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