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《中英對照讀新聞》Doctor's bedside manner still what counts 醫生在病榻旁的態度還是最重要的因素

2006/04/05 06:00


People appear to judge a good doctor based on old-fashioned bedside manner rather than technical knowledge and skills, according to a new study.


Researchers found that patients at two large U.S. medical centers agreed on a number of qualities that define an "ideal" doctor -- including honesty, compassion and respectfulness.


In describing their worst experiences with a doctor, patients often cited providers’arrogance, dismissive attitude and "callousness" in discussing their condition. Technical expertise, on the other hand, was rarely mentioned in patients’assessments.


The findings, according to the study authors, point to the importance of doctors learning and cultivating interpersonal skills, as well as technical ones.


Dr. Neeli M. Bendapudi of Ohio State University in Columbus led the study, which is published in the March issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings.



manner:名詞,方式;舉止,態度。manner加s則是風俗;禮貌。例句:Mind your manners while you are travelling abroad。(在國外旅遊時請注意你的行為舉止。)

base on:動詞,建立在…的基礎上。例句:The script of motion picture Brokeback Mountain is based on a namesake short story by Annie Proulx。(電影斷背山的劇本是根據安妮.普露的同名小說改編。)

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