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《中英對照讀新聞》Maple syrup sticky issue for Ohio councilman楓糖漿成為俄亥俄州議員的棘手問題

2011/05/06 06:00


An Ohio city councilman who prides himself on being a back-to-the-land type has a sticky problem.


Steven Steel tapped a century-old maple tree in front of his Toledo home and collected enough sap for two gallons of syrup.


But The Blade newspaper reports the tree is owned by the city, and a neighbor complained. Officials reminded Steel on Wednesday that Toledo law requires citizens to get approval from the city’s forestry department before they can do anything to a tree.


Steel says he went home and removed the taps and buckets right away.


Besides making their own maple syrup, he and his family keep chickens to lay eggs, collect honey from a beehive and make their own soap.



sticky:形容詞,難以處理的,特別是會導致痛苦或尷尬的麻煩事;黏黏的;悶熱的。相關慣用語,have sticky fingers,有偷竊傾向。例句:The clerk who had sticky fingers got fired.(那個手腳不乾淨的出納被炒魷魚了。)

pride oneself on something:慣用語,對自己的某項特質或成就引以為傲。例句:I pride myself on my ability to find compromises.(我對自己尋求妥協的能力引以為傲。)

right away:立刻,馬上。例句:The boss wants to see you right away.(老闆要你馬上去見他。)

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