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《中英對照讀新聞》107-year-old virgin attributes long life to no sex 107歲處女將長壽歸因於沒性愛

2011/01/22 06:00


Over the years many a centenarian has delivered their secret for a long life. Not smoking, daily exercise, moderate drinking, being married (and sometimes not being married) have all had their champions.


But a woman celebrating her 107th birthday says that celibacy has been the key to her long life.


Miss Meadmore, of Truro, Cornwall, who remembers the Titanic sinking and the start of the First World War, said that in her youth in the 20s and 30s having sex meant getting married.


She didn’t want to settle down and rejected several marriage proposals. Miss Meadmore said:“People have asked whether I am a homosexual and the answer is no.”


“I have just never been interested in or fancied having sex. I’ve always had lots of platonic friendships with men but never felt the need to go further than that or marry.”


Miss Meadmore says she has always been too busy for relationships and thought of physical intimacy as a ’hassle’.



celibacy:名詞,(尤指修道者立下宗教誓約而遵守的)獨身生活;禁慾。例句:Catholic priests take a vow of celibacy.(天主教神父發誓不結婚。)

settle down: 片語,文中指安定下來;也可指「舒適地躺下」。例句: He settled down in his armchair to read a new novel.(他安閒地坐在扶手椅上閱讀一本新小說。)

hassle:名詞,麻煩。例句:It was a real hassle to apply for the insurance money.(申請保險金實在是一件麻煩事。)

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