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《中英對照讀新聞》From stars to Hello Kitty: all at new Tokyo terminal 從星星到凱蒂貓:東京新機場什麼都有

2010/11/14 06:00


Fancy a look at the stars while waiting for your flight? How about a slot-car race, strolling through an old-time Japanese street, or shopping at a Hello Kitty store?


All will be on offer at Tokyo’s Haneda Airport from Oct. 31 as the airport resumes full-fledged international service for the first time in 32 years, when its role was usurped by the opening of Narita International Airport.


The high-ceilinged, brand new international terminal -- built to complement the completion of the airport’s fourth runway, which will eventually increase capacity by more than 30 percent -- replaces a small utilitarian building with minimal facilities.


Haneda lost its crown as Tokyo’s international airport in 1978, when Narita opened, though a few international flights still operated.


But with Japan’s government eager to promote Tokyo as a 24-hour international air hub to rival South Korea’s Incheon, Haneda was expanded and international flights relaunched.


Narita’s operating hours are limited as part of a deal hammered out with local landowners in order to build the airport, which faced stiff opposition.



full-fledged/fully-fledged:原指幼鳥羽毛生齊的,也可引申為指發展完整的、受過充分訓練的、成熟的,如After years of study, he is now a full-fledged architect.(經過多年研讀,他現在已是位成熟的建築師。)

utilitarian:形容詞,指強調實用性的,而非裝飾性的設計,如Like many factories it’s a very ugly utilitarian building.(跟許多工廠一樣,這是一棟外觀醜陃的實用型建築物。)

hammer (sth) out:片語,指透過談判達成協議,如The two parties could not hammer a contract out. (雙方未能就合約達成協議。)

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