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《中英對照讀新聞》Germany unveils new ’psychic’ octopus -- and he’s French 德國公佈新「通靈」章魚…而他是法國籍

2010/11/10 06:00

◎ 魏國金

Octopus Paul II, successor to the tentacled tipster that wowed the world with his uncanny knack of correctly predicting World Cup football games, was unveiled Wednesday in Germany.


The new cephalopod, also named Paul in honour of his world-famous predecessor who passed away last week, was lowered gently into his tank in a ceremony carried live on national television.


Paul the younger initially appeared more publicity-shy than his media-hungry forerunner, sticking closely to the side walls of the tank as the TV cameras rolled.


"We got him from near Montpellier" in southern France, an aquarium employee said. "No one yet knows whether Paul II will be able to follow in his predecessor’s footsteps," aquarium spokeswoman Tanja Munzig said. Paul I shot to fame by correctly predicting eight successive games during the recent World Cup in South Africa.


It is unlikely, however, that around five-month-old Paul II will live to give predictions for the next World Cup in 2014 in Brazil, given that the life expectancy of octopuses in captivity is around three years.



publicity-shy ︰怯於拋頭露面的。例句︰Hollywood superstar Johnny Depp said he was publicity-shy and preferred to stay away from the public spotlight.(好萊塢超級巨星強尼戴普說,他怯於在大庭廣眾前露面,寧可遠離公眾焦點。)

follow in one’s footsteps︰效法、追隨某人腳步。She followed in her father’s footsteps and became a novelist.(她效法其父,成為一名小說家。)

shoot to fame︰一舉成名、聲名大噪。例句︰He shot to fame on the reality TV show.(他在電視真人實境秀中一炮而紅。)

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