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《中英對照讀英文》阿爾巴尼亞藝術家以軟木塞馬賽克再度締造金氏世界紀錄Albanian pops Guinness record again with cork mosaic

2008/09/10 06:00


An Albanian artist has entered the Guinness Book of World Records for a third time, this time with a large mosaic constructed out of bottle corks.


Saimir Strati, 42, used more than 200,000 of the corks in the mosaic of a young man playing a guitar, measuring 12.94 metres wide by 7.1 metres high.


"This work is dedicated to the Mediterranean spirit which is nourished by music, the sun and wine," Strati said at a ceremony to unveil his latest piece of artwork.


Strati entered the Guinness book of records for the first time in September 2006 with the world’s largest portrait made of nails, of Leonardo da Vinci. It required more than 500,000 nails.


He followed that up a year later with a mosaic using just as many toothpicks dedicated to Antonio Gaudi, the Spanish architect famous for constructions including Barcelona’s Sagrada Familia church.



mosaic︰馬賽克畫、鑲嵌(工藝)。例句︰Today’s American youth is a mosaic of many colors, ages and attitudes.(當代的美國青年是由膚色、年齡、處世態度各異的青年拼湊而成的一代。)

dedicate︰為(建物等)舉行落成儀式、奉獻給。例句︰The doctor dedicated himself to finding a cure.(這名醫師獻身於探索一種療法。)

follow up︰緊追、追究、採取進一步行動。例句︰Don’t rest on your laurels: follow up your success.(不要滿足於已有的成就,要爭取更大的成功。)

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