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《中英對照讀新聞》Botox useful for preventing frequent migraines肉毒桿菌毒素對預防經常性偏頭痛有效

2005/07/03 06:00

◎ 陳宜君

Botulinum toxin A (Botox) injections can help prevent migraines in patients who have headaches almost every day, according to study results reported at the annual meeting of the American Headache Society in Philadelphia.


“Our study focused on migraine patients with chronic daily headache, which is defined as having a headache at least 15 days per month,” said lead author Dr. David Dodick , from the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona. “These patients represent a minority of all migraine sufferers, but they account for at least 50 percent of the patients seen in specialty headache clinics.”


The idea of using Botox as a preventative agent for migraines came in 1992 when a Los Angeles plastic surgeon noticed fewer headaches in a patient who was being treated with the agent for its skin-smoothing effects. Since then, several studies have evaluated botulinum toxin as a migraine preventative.



migraine:名詞,偏頭痛。頭痛的泛稱是headache,亦可用於表示棘手難題。例句:Trying to make the children eat is one big headache. (要小孩子吃飯,是一件令人頭痛的事)。

specialty:名詞,指某項專長或專門研究的領域,亦可當某地特產解釋。例句:I recommend the vegetable pie - it's the specialty of the restaurant. (我推薦這道蔬菜餡餅–它是這家餐館的招牌菜。)

plastic:此字當名詞是指塑膠、塑料,當形容詞則是具有塑性的、人造的意思。plastic surgeon是整形外科醫師,整形手術則是 plastic surgery。例句:She had plastic surgery on her face. (她的臉動了整形手術。)

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