Round ‘em up: Eight bulls escape a Massachusetts rodeo and charge 中英對照讀新聞》through a mall parking lot圍捕牠們:8頭公牛逃離麻薩諸塞州一處牛仔競技表演並在一家購物中心的停車場橫衝直撞
First responders in a Massachusetts city had to exercise some impromptu roundup skills when eight bulls escaped from a rodeo being held in the parking lot of a mall on Sunday.
Video posted online captured the moment when the bulls escaped from the rodeo in North Attleboro. The animals charged through the crowded parking lot, knocked down fencing, bumped against a tent and rumbled toward busy U.S. Highway 1. They eventually headed for some nearby woods for short-lived freedom. No one was hurt during the breakout.
The North Attleboro Fire Department issued a warning: These rodeo bulls weren’t playing around.
Seven of the eight were corralled by late Sunday afternoon, but one of them was still on the lam, firefighters said. The Festival Rodeo at the Emerald Square Mall was shut down, officials said.
impromptu:形容詞/副詞,指事先無準備的(地)、即席的(地);名詞,指即席演說等即興之作。例句:He gave an impromptu press conference.(他臨時舉行了一場記者會。)
play around:片語動詞,指玩耍、玩弄、亂搞、鬼混。They say your husband plays around.(據說妳的丈夫愛拈花惹草。)
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