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中英對照讀新聞》A new declaration in Mexico gives 19 cats roaming the presidential palace food and care fur-ever 墨西哥的一項新聲明為在總統府漫步的 19 隻貓提供食物和護理毛皮

2024/04/09 05:30



They prowl through palace gardens stalking pigeons and make cameos on televised press briefings. Some greet tourists at the doors, while others take a sneaky lick of ice cream from staff.


Nineteen feral cats have free rein of Mexico’s National Palace, roaming the lush gardens and historic colonial halls of the most iconic buildings in the country.


“They have access to every part of the palace, so they walk in on meetings, interviews and wander onto camera,” said Jesús Arias, the palace veterinarian, as a handful of feline friends brush against his ankles.


Now, the palace cats have made hiss-tory after the government of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador declared them to be “living fixed assets,” the first animals in Mexico to receive the title.



sneaky:形容詞,偷偷摸摸的、鬼鬼祟祟的。例句:She snuck out for a sneaky cigarette.(她跑出去偷偷地抽了根煙。)

lush:形容詞,鬱鬱蔥蔥的、愉悅的;名詞,酒、酒鬼。例句:He’s a lush by all accounts.(不管怎麼說他都是個酒鬼。)

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