中英對照讀新聞》New Zealand fisherman rescued after treading water for 23 hours 紐西蘭漁夫踢水23小時後獲救
A fisherman who survived treading water for 23 hours off the coast of New Zealand after falling off his boat said he was lucky to be alive after being spotted due to the reflection from his wristwatch.
Will Fransen was pulled overboard without a life jacket on Jan. 2 while attempting to reel in a marlin in waters off the country’s North Island.
He survived by treading water, while being briefly circled by a shark, before using his watch to attract the attention of a passing boat.
James Mcdonnell, one of his rescuers, said Fransen was "incredibly pale and incredibly cold" when they pulled him from the water on the afternoon of Jan. 3.
Fransen said he planned to upgrade the safety rails on his boat, which has yet to be found. (Reuters)
tread:動詞,踩、踏,步行。tread water指靠踩水或踢水,漂浮在水面上,另有「停滯不前」的意思。例句:We are treading water, unable to make any progress.(我們正在原地踏步,無法有任何進展。)
reel:動詞,捲起,蹣跚或搖晃行走,感到天旋地轉。例句:The bad news left us reeling with shock.(這個惡耗讓我們震驚不已。)
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