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中英對照讀新聞》Train etiquette comes to fore in envoy’s video on priority seating 大使的博愛座影片讓列車禮儀受到矚目

2023/10/20 05:30



The Georgian ambassador to Japan sparked a lively debate after tweeting a short video of himself riding a subway car in a priority seat reserved for passengers who are elderly, pregnant or have a disability.


Some people had no issue with 35-year-old Teimuraz Lezhava using a priority seat when no one else in need is around. The fact he is in perfect health did not come into the equation.


But others were appalled by his behavior. They argued that priority seats should be always left vacant, citing the fact that some people have disabilities that are not always obvious, coupled with a perceived awkwardness of asking others to give up their seat.



have issues (with someone/something):慣用語,有問題(或麻煩);(與…)有分歧。例句:Teenagers always have some issues with their parents.(青少年總與父母唱反調。)

couple with:片語,與…結合;再加上。例句:Climate change, coupled with water mismanagement and overconsumption, is causing droughts and water shortages across many parts of the globe.(氣候變遷再加上水資源管理不善與過度用水,正導致全球許多地區乾旱與缺水。)

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