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中英對照讀新聞》Japanese get trained in ’Hollywood’ smiles as masks slowly come off 漸漸不用戴口罩後 日本人接受「好萊塢風格」笑容訓練

2023/09/28 05:30



In one of Keiko Kawano’s recent classes, more than a dozen Tokyo art school students held mirrors to their faces, stretching the sides of their mouths upward with their fingers: they were practising how to smile.


It’s not something most people would think to pay for but Kawano’s services as a smile instructor are seeing a surge in demand in Japan.


Kawano’s company Egaoiku has seen a more than four-fold jump in demand from last year, with customers ranging from companies seeking more approachable salespeople and local governments looking to improve their residents’ well-being. An hour-long one-on-one lesson costs 7,700 yen.


"Culturally, a smile signifies that I’m not holding a gun and I’m not a threat to you," she said. With a surge in inbound tourists, Japanese people need to communicate with foreigners with more than just their eyes, she added.(Reuters)




come off:動詞片語,從…掉下、脫落。例句:The knob is permanently fixed on and can’t come off.(這個把手是永久固定的,沒辦法拆下來。)

approachable:形容詞,和藹可親的。例句:Gary is an approachable guy and welcomes any interaction.(蓋瑞是個和藹可親的人,對任何互動都很歡迎。)

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