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中英對照讀新聞》German town bans cats from going outdoors to protect rare bird德國一座城鎮為了保護稀有鳥類禁止貓咪外出

2023/04/02 05:30



Germany’s Walldorf City Authority has ordered its citizens to keep their pet cats indoors until the end of August, to protect rare birds during the breeding season.


The decree is designed to help save the crested lark, which makes its nest on the ground and is therefore easy prey for feline hunters.


The bird populations in Western Europe have declined sharply in recent decades. Although, the bird is listed as the least-concern species in Europe by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).


Authorities in Walldorf wrote that “among other things, the survival of the species depends on every single chick”.


This decree applies to all cats in the southern part of the city and will be repeated over the next three years from April to August.



breeding:名詞,繁殖。例句:This place used to be a good breeding ground for turtle.(這地方過去是絕佳的海龜繁殖地。)

decree:名詞,法令、政令。例句:The government issued an administration decree this morning.(政府今天早上發布一項行政命令。)

feline:名詞,貓科動物。例句:Becky is a feline-keeper of the zoo.(貝琪是這座動物園的貓科動物馴獸師。)

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