中英對照讀新聞》After 40 years of extinction, rhinos return to Mozambique 滅絕40年後 犀牛重回莫三比克
Over four decades after they became extinct locally, rhinos are roaming again the wilds of Mozambique, which is bringing the endangered species from South Africa in efforts to breathe new life into its parks and boost local tourism.
A group of rangers captured, sedated and moved black and white rhinos over 1,610 km to Mozambique’s Zinave National Park, which has over 400,000 hectares and more than 2,300 other reintroduced animals.
"Rhinos are important to the ecosystem, which is one of the reasons why we’re moving them all this distance and doing all this effort to get them there," Kester Vickery, a conservationist who is supervising the rhino translocation told.
The Peace Parks Foundation conservation group, which is conducting the operation, aims to relocate over 40 rhinos in the next two years to Mozambique.
extinction:名詞,滅絕。例句:The extinction of the dinosaurs occurred about 65 million years ago.(恐龍的滅絕大約發生在6500萬年前。 )
endangered: 形容詞,瀕臨滅絕的。例句:Jimmy’s work is to take care of endangerd birds.(吉米的工作是照顧瀕臨絕種的鳥類。)
sedate: 動詞,給…服用鎮靜劑。例句:He was heavily sedated.(他服用了大量的鎮靜劑。)
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