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中英對照讀新聞》Metal-detecting stranger retrieves woman’s ring lost in sea (偵測金屬的陌生人尋回女子遺失在海裡的戒指)

2022/12/22 05:30



A Massachusetts woman’s diamond wedding ring, a family heirloom, is back on her finger after a man with a metal detector responded to her social media plea for help and found it at the bottom of the ocean.


29-year-old Francesca Teal said that she was tossing a football with her husband at North Beach in Hampton, New Hampshire, when the ring that once belonged to her great-grandmother slipped off her finger.


Teal posted about the ordeal on Facebook and asked anyone who might frequent the beach with a metal detector to be on the lookout. Her post got the attention of Lou Asci, 60.


Asci put on a wetsuit and headlamp and went for the searching. He had no luck for the first two days, but still wanted to give it one last shot. That’s when he found the ring buried beneath the sandy ocean floor.


Asci returned the ring to Teal’s home, and her husband got on one knee to place it back on her finger.(AP)



heirloom:名詞,傳家寶。例句:This painting is our family heirloom.(這幅畫是我們的傳家寶。)

plea:名詞,懇求。例句:The perpetrator made a plea for the mercy of victims.(犯人請求受害者寬恕。)

frequent:動詞,常去。例句:Roy frequented the restaurant before he died.(羅伊生前常去這家餐廳。)

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