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中英對照讀新聞》Woman sues over ban on feeding homeless people in parks 女子針對禁止在公園提供食物給街友的法令提訟

2022/11/24 05:30



Norma Thornton, who was arrested in March for feeding homeless people, is suing over a local ordinance that regulates food-sharing events in public parks.


78-year-old Thornton became the first person arrested under Bullhead City’s ordinance for distributing prepared food from a van. Criminal charges against her were eventually dropped, but she’s seeking an injunction to stop the city from enforcing the ordinance that took effect in May 2021.


"The City Council passed an ordinance that makes it a crime punishable by four months imprisonment to share food in public parks for charitable purposes," said Thornton’s attorney.


Bullhead City Mayor Tom Brady said the ordinance applies only to public parks. Churches, clubs and private properties are free to serve food to the homeless without a permit.(AP)



ordinance:名詞,法令、條例。例句:The city council passed an ordinance that forbids the parking of cars here.(市議會通過一條法令,禁止在這裡停放汽車。)

regulate:動詞,管理、控制。例句:His father strictly regulates how long he plays online games.(他爸爸嚴格控制他玩線上遊戲的時間。)

injunction:名詞,禁令。例句:She is seeking an injunction banning the public broadcasting of the video.(她正尋求禁令,禁止公開播放該影片。)

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