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《中英對照讀新聞》Few adult fans think Harry Potter will die 只有少數成年書迷認為哈利波特會死掉

2007/07/15 06:00

◎ 胡立宗

Harry Potter can breathe a sigh of relief. Only one in five adult fans think the boy wizard will die in the final book of J.K. Rowling’s hit series, according to an opinion poll.


The Zogby Interactive survey was conducted as speculation over which characters will be killed off in "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" runs wild on the Internet before the book’s July 21 release.


Rowling has said two characters will die in the seventh and final book of the Harry Potter series.


The survey of 1,373 U.S. adults who plan to read the book found only one in five─or 20 percent─believed one of those two characters would be Potter.


Nearly half, or 47 percent, don’t believe the main character will meet that dire fate, while 32 percent admit they can’t guess what surprises they might find in the final book of the series and are unsure if Potter will die.



the/a sigh of relief:欣慰地嘆一口氣。容易和a sign of relief(緩和的跡象)搞混。與嘆氣有關的還有:a deep sigh(深深嘆息);a yearning sigh(懷念的嘆息);a profound sigh(意味深長的嘆息)。

kill off︰殺光、滅絕(特別是無差別的屠殺),口語用法還有消磨、毀掉的意思。Working every day kills off all of my tolerance.(每天工作磨光我的耐心。)

dire:形容詞,悲慘的、極度緊迫的。We are in dire need of help.(我們急需幫助。)

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