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中英對照讀新聞》210kg gorilla is given CT scan 210公斤大猩猩進行電腦斷層掃描

2020/11/19 05:30



A gorilla has undergone a medical procedure usually reserved for humans after unusual growths were found in its nose.


Makokou, a male western lowland gorilla from Johannesburg Zoo in South Africa, was airlifted more than 64km to the Onderstepoort Veterinary Academic Hospital in Pretoria. The facility’s CT (computed-tomography) scanner is strong enough to cope with the ape’s bulk.


It took more than five people to lift the sedated Makokou, who turned 35 in July, on and off the stretcher. Zoo staff decided he needed a scan after extensive tests revealed the primate had polyps in his nasal passages.


A biopsy was taken and sent for histopathology. The results revealed that he has chronic rhinitis with inflammatory polyps developing in his nasal passages.


"The well-being and care of Makokou remains of paramount importance for all staff at the Joburg Zoo."



bulk:名詞,體積;龐大身軀。例句:He eased his large bulk out of the seat.(他將自己龐大的身軀從座椅上挪開。)

sedate:動詞,給…服用鎮靜劑。例句:He has been very moody and needed to be sedated.(他一直很情緒化,必須注射鎮靜劑。)

paramount:形容詞,首要的。例句:To take a good rest is of the paramount importance to him.(好好休養是他目前最重要的事。)

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