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中英對照讀新聞》Cleaners Unknowingly Remove Banksy’s Latest Art Piece 清潔人員無意中清除掉班克西的最新藝術作品

2020/08/19 05:30



On Tuesday, the enigmatic British street artist Banksy unveiled his latest public work. Art fans hoping to check out the Underground graffiti for themselves are out of luck, however, as Transport for London cleaners scrubbed the spray paint away before Banksy even announced it.


Apparently, the workers were "unaware" the black-and-teal paint on the Circle Line carriage was left by the artist, and thus "it was treated like any other graffiti on the network."


It also seems likely Banksy, who isn’t one to shy away from creating temporary art, knew the work wasn’t going to last long.



enigmatic:形容詞,神秘的、難以捉摸的。例句:She gave me an enigmatic smile.(她給了我一個令人費解的微笑。)

be in/out of luck:片語,能/未能如願,運氣好/差。例句:We’re out of luck, they just sold the last ticket.(我們運氣不好,他們剛賣掉最後一張票。)

shy away from:(因害怕、不喜歡等因素)逃避、畏縮。例句:I’ve never shied away from challenges.(我從不逃避挑戰。)

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