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中英對照讀新聞》View mask refusers like drink drivers:leading scientist 頂尖科學家:不戴口罩視同酒駕

2020/07/20 05:30



People who refuse to wear face masks during the coronavirus pandemic should be stigmatised the same as drink drivers, the president of the Royal Society has said.


The comments from Venki Ramakrishnan come as two new peer-reviewed studies showed how wearing face coverings may help significantly reduce the spread of viruses such as COVID-19.

拉瑪克里斯南發表上述評論的同時,又有兩篇經過同儕評審的最新研究顯示,戴口罩可能有助於顯著抑制 「武漢肺炎」(新型冠狀病毒病,COVID-19)這類病毒的散播。

"It used to be quite normal to have quite a few drinks and drive home, and it also used to be normal to drive without seatbelts," Ramakrishnan wrote in a comment article.


"Today both of those would be considered antisocial, and not wearing face coverings in public should be regarded in the same way."


Ramakrishnan stressed how masks are only genuinely effective if worn by most people.


"If all of us wear one, we protect each other and thereby ourselves, reducing transmission," he said.



stigmatise︰動詞,給…帶來恥辱、污名化。例句︰His past record stigmatised his parents.(他過往的經歷讓他的父母蒙羞。)

antisocial :形容詞,反社會的;對社會有害的;危害公共利益的。例句:Increasingly, smoking is regarded as an antisocial habit.(愈來愈多人將吸菸視為危害公共利益的惡習。)

genuinely :副詞,真正地;誠實地;由衷地。例句:He was genuinely apologetic about his mistake.(他對自己的錯誤由衷地感到慚愧。)

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