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中英對照讀新聞》Shocker! Japan firms’ electrifying fabric zaps bacteria 電一下!日本公司的發電織物消滅細菌

2020/07/08 05:30



It’s a shocking idea:a fabric that can produce small amounts of electricity powered by movement, allowing your clothing to zap microbes and bacteria as you go about your day.


A pair of Japanese firms say that’s exactly what their new product can do, and are touting it for everything from curbing body odour to offering the ideal material for protective gear like face masks.


The fabric jointly developed by electronics company Murata Manufacturing and Teijin Frontier, dubbed PIECLEX, generates power from the expansion and contraction of the material itself, including when worn by someone moving around.


The low voltages aren’t strong enough to be felt by the wearer, but they effectively stop bacteria and viruses from multiplying inside the fabric, the companies said. (AFP)



electrify:動詞,使帶電,使振奮或激勵。例句:The good news electrified us.(這個好消息激勵了我們。)

shocking:形容詞,令人震驚的,很糟糕的;shock有「電擊」之意,在本文中一語雙關。例句:The movie is renowned for its shocking scenes.(這部電影以驚悚場面出名。)

zap:動詞,破壞、消滅。例句:Our new weapons can zap the enemy from thousands of miles away.(我國的新武器可殲敵於千里之外。)

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