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《中英對照讀新聞》All Eyes on Japan’s First Male Virtual Influencer 日本第一位男性虛擬網紅眾所矚目

2019/08/14 05:30


◎ 陳成良

1sec Inc, a company focuses on fabricating projects in virtual and reality space, has developed Japan’s first male virtual influencer, "Liam Nikuro."


Liam is powered by computer processing, 3D CG technology that are used to project virtual three-dimensional objects onto flat surfaces, creating images with a sense of depth.

利亞姆是由「三維電腦繪圖」(3D CG)電腦處理技術合成的。3D CG技術用於將虛擬三維物體投射到平面上,創建具有立體感的圖像。

The use of this technology is becoming increasingly common in media such as and animated films as well as video games.


Liam is a virtual character who was created by superimposing an all-CG head made with the use of 3D tools on a body filmed in live action.


He is set to work in the fields of music, fashion, and entertainment, where he will be involved in the production of a wide range of content as a multimedia producer.



CG:名詞,為Computer Graphics的縮寫,是指使用電腦產生的影像。

live-action:形容詞,(影片)實景或真人拍攝的。用法如:a live-action movie(一部真人實景的電影)。

superimpose:動詞,使(尤指圖片、文字等)疊加,將…放在他物之上。例句:The book cover had a picture of a dove superimposed on a battle scene.(這本書封面上的戰爭畫面中疊加了一隻鴿子。)

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