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《中英對照讀新聞》99 out of 100 Korean entertainers get cosmetic surgery 韓國藝人99%動過整形手術

2018/11/06 06:00



A Korean entertainer faces an outpouring of criticism after making a groundless allegation in Japan: "99 out of 100 Korean entertainers have received cosmetic surgery."


Entertainer Kang Han Na talked about Koreans and their tendency to get cosmetic surgery on Yomiuri TV’s "Tokumori Yoshimoto." Explaining the craze in Korea, she said, "As far as I know, 99 out of 100 Korean entertainers have gone under the knife to have better looks."


"I have a lot of celebrity friends in Korea and their faces change every time we meet," Kang said. "They get embarrassed when I keep looking at them. But they don’t say they did. I’m actually ashamed [of plastic surgery]."


Korean netizens reacted with much anger at Kang Han Na’s disparaging remarks. Comments stated, "Did she have to do that on a Japanese show? No respect for her country," "Just go live in Japan," "So desperate for attention that she’s selling her own country,"



go under the knife:動詞片語,開刀、動手術。例句:More and more women are choosing to go under the knife to improve their appearance.(愈來愈多女性選擇開刀改善外貌。)

disparaging:形容詞,蔑視的、貶低的。例句:Disparaging humor should be discouraged.(蔑視性幽默應受勸阻。)

desperate:形容詞,很想要的、很需要的。例句:They are desperate for help.(他們很需要幫助。)

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