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《中英對照讀新聞》Seoul Metro to ban plastic surgery ads by 2022-首爾地鐵將在2022年前禁止整形手術廣告

2017/12/03 06:00



Ads for clinics and hospitals providing plastic surgery will be banned from Seoul Metro stations by 2022.


The posters ― which promote what many people believe are distorted images of how women should look ― have attracted a growing number of complaints, the state company said. Complaints have been growing since 2015, when Koreans started to become more aware of gender issues.


Seoul Metro will raise the screening level of its advertising disciplinary committee.The latest measure reflects the company’s intent to replace the ads with ones about culture, the arts and public campaigns and to reduce the overall number of ads across Seoul metro stations by 15 percent.


In 2016 alone, there were about 143,000 ads at stations on Line No. 1 to 8, earning more than 44 billion won. Ads on Line No. 1 to 4 drew 1,182 public complaints about their content. More than 91 percent of the complaints were about plastic surgery or female subjects.



distort:動詞,扭(歪)曲、使……失真。Many factors can distort the results.(許多因素可能扭曲結果。)

be aware of:片語,意識(注意)到、了解。Are you aware of the dangers of too much salt?(你知道攝取過多鹽分的危險嗎?)

reflect:動詞,反映(射)、招致、反省。Schools should reflect cultural differences.(學校應該反映文化差異。)

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