《中英對照讀新聞》By Jiminy: Belgian start-up puts crickets on the menu 天哪:比利時新創公司推出蟋蟀菜單
A Brussels start-up is hoping to stir a culinary revolution in Belgium by pushing crunchy crickets as a protein alternative to meat.
Eco-friendly ’Little Food’ said its crickets, which can be eaten dried, in different flavors such as garlic or tomato, or turned into flour, were also friendlier on the environment.
"For the same amount of protein as a cow for instance, they (crickets) need 25 times less food, they need 300 times less water, and they produce 60 times less greenhouse gases," Little Food cricket breeder Nikolaas Viaene said.
While eating insects is common practice in a number of countries, such as China, Ghana, Mexico and Thailand, Brussels residents seemed unsure about putting crickets on the menu.
Strolling in downtown Brussels, Efthimia Lelecas declined the offer of a cricket snack: "No, I’m not eating that," she said. "No, no, that looks awful, no, no...no."(Reuters)
jiminy:感嘆詞,咦、天哪! (表示驚訝、驚嘆),常以jiminy cricket/crickets的型式出現。例句:We won the lottery? Jiminy cricket, that’s amazing news!(我們中了樂透?天哪!那真是驚人的消息)。又如:By Jiminy, she was right.(天哪!她是對的。) Jiminy cricket也是迪士尼動畫《木偶奇遇記》裡面的角色「小蟋蟀吉明尼」,用在本文有一語雙關的用意。
unsure:形容詞,指不確定的、缺乏信心的、無把握的、不穩定的、不可靠的。例句:She is rather unsure of herself.(她對自己相當沒自信。)
stroll:名詞,指閒晃、漫步。動詞,指散步、奔波。例句:Let’s go for a stroll.(我們出去晃晃吧。)
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